Throughout the school year we conduct several inter house sporting carnivals. These carnivals provide a culminating activity
where students get the opportunity to apply skills learned through
Physical Education (PE) lessons whilst encouraging participation and a
sense of team spirit and pride. Carnivals are as follows:
Education and sport are an integral part of life at Fairview Heights
State School. The PE Program is aligned with the Australian National
Curriculum and the Queensland C2C. Each class receives at least 1 PE
lesson per week. Prep to year 3 classes have a 30 minute lesson while
years 4 to 6 classes receive 45 minutes per week. Physical Education
lessons for prep to year 3 are focused on skill development whilst upper
grade lessons focus on application of these skills through a wide
variety of major games.
Some lower grade activities include:
aiming, overarm throwing, kicking skills, gross motor activities, ball
skill circuits, skipping, dance and striking/bat and ball skills.
Upper grade activities include:
Soccer, cross country, athletics, volleyball, cricket, football, AFL,
netball, European handball, hockey, touch football, basketball and
Interactive Communicative Technologies (ICT) and PE
ICT are embedded in the PE program. The main vehicle for use is
through tablet computers. Apps such as Live Video Delay, Hudl Technique,
Easytag and Flip scoreboard have proven invaluable in assisting
students learning through self-assessment and peer coaching.
As well as PE lessons we have an extensive sport program here at
Fairview. In terms 1, 3 and 4 students in year 2, 3 and 4 participate in
Inter House sports for 1 afternoon per week. Year 5 and 6 students
participate in Interschool sport where they travel to various locations
around Toowoomba and compete against other schools. Sports involved
include: Volleyball, hockey, soccer, touch football, rugby league,
hockey, netball, cricket and AFL.
Regional Development officers
To further strengthen opportunities and learning through PE at
Fairview Heights State School we have a number of Development officers
visit throughout the year. These officers represent sports such as
hockey, soccer, AFL, rugby league, touch, basketball and cricket. This
has proven to provide valuable learning opportunities and strong
links/pathways to local sporting clubs for weekend sport. These
development officers also run lunchtime programs for all students
interested in Aussie Hoops, Auskick and In-2-Cricket.