Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL)
Fairview Heights State School is a Positive Behaviour for Learning School (PBL). As a family, we 'Grow Together, Learn Forever and Support Each Other'.
Positive Behaviour for Learning is characterised by:
- an emphasis on prevention
- an increasing intensity of intervention for increasing intensities of problem behaviour
- a provision of basic proactive programming (primary prevention) for all students by all staff in all settings.
Our behaviour expectations for all students are Practising safety, Overall respect, Demonstrating learning and Showing responsibility (PODS).
These expectations are visually represented throughout the school and students displaying these behaviours are rewarded and publicly acknowledged.
Our behaviour expectations are explicitly taught across a number of school settings through formal lessons each Monday afternoon. We believe just as we teach an academic curriculum, we should also teach appropriate behaviours, as one is dependent upon the other.
Our term planner outlines the behaviour of the week to be taught. Teachers, parents/carers and the broader school community are made aware of this behaviour via our Fairview Heights State School app and intranet. This enables a number of school systems to work together using a range of positive behaviour strategies, to assist all students to learn appropriate behaviour.
At Fairview Heights State School we are committed to celebrating and recognising positive student behaviour. We do this in a number of different ways throughout the school.
In the classroom
Students receive PODS stamps on a ‘Working Towards Chart’ each time they are
acknowledged for positive behaviour. A certain number of stamps allows a student to achieve a classroom reward (purple dot) and then a PODS token (gold dot). Students can accumulate their PODS tokens and use them to purchase more rewards at the Fairview Heights State School PODS shop on their scheduled days.
In the playground
If a student is noticed following our behaviour expectations in the playground, they are awarded a ‘Well Done’ voucher, that entitles them to 2 PODS stamps on their ‘Working Towards Chart’. This also contributes to a class tally for the week, with the class who has collected the most vouchers acknowledged on parade.