The Music Program at Fairview Heights State School involves all students participating in weekly music lessons as well as providing a variety of other musical opportunities for students.
Mrs Jeanie Cuskelly is the classroom music specialist and Music Program co-ordinator.
All classes prep to year 6 attend one music lesson per week. Prep to year 3 lessons (including the Special Education classes) are 30 minutes per week and year 4 to 6 lessons are 45 minutes per week. At Fairview Heights State School we follow the Australian Curriculum: The Arts – music.
Students learn about the elements of music comprising of rhythm, pitch, dynamics and expression, form and structure, timbre and texture. Aural skills, or ear training are the particular listening skills students develop to identify and interpret the
elements of music. Music practice integrates making/composing, performing and responding.
Lessons involve singing and dancing activities and playing instruments such as percussion, recorder, keyboard and ukuleles.
Students can attend Lunch Time music activities: Senior Choir Yr 5&6, Junior Song Circle Yr 3&4 and Beginner Guitar Yrs 4,5&6.
In term 3 we have an annual school musical for students in years 4 to 6.
Instrumental Music Program
Our school also offers an extensive Instrumental Music Program which Mrs Christine Kleidon conducts.
Instrumental music lessons are available to students from year 4 to 6. Students learn brass, woodwind and percussion instruments on Thursdays with an emphasis on participation with the school band. Once they have progressed to a suitable standard, they are invited to join the school band.
Band rehearsals are held on Thursday mornings from 8.15am to 8.50am in the music room.